Since we last checked in, we have stayed in:

Windermere (Lake District)
Edinburgh, Scotland



We arrived at our flat in London at 11:00PM, about 5 hours later than expected due to flight delays, and because we had to ride out of Heathrow to a different underground station rather than using the one in the airport. It was great to have a place to stay for 10 days after moving so often, and to be able to prepare some "home cooked" meals, and to see our friends Pam and Hillary who shared the flat with us. It is in the South Kensington district, which is a very ”posh” part of London, just south of Hyde Park. Our first night at 2:00AM, we were awakened by a neighbor blasting Spanish Flamingo and Opera, and howling and scratching at the window. Luckily, the police hauled him off the next day and the place was quiet for the rest of our stay.

We saw a couple of plays including Richard Dreyfuss and Marsha Mason in ”Prisoner of Second Avenue”. The next day, thanks to our friends, we all had lunch with Richard. He told us the story of meeting the Queen, and all the protocol that he had to go through to address Her Highness properly. It has to do with the proper nasal inflection when saying ”Ma’am”.

Luckily, we had great weather in London and it only rained a couple of times. After 10 days, we decided to abandon the bikes, and tour the country by car with Pam and Hillary.


We left Victoria Station in our Vauxhall Vector (fast and cornered well with 4 adults and luggage) and headed east to Bath where Jim was caught speeding by radar within the first 10 minutes. Bath was a nice escape from the hectic pace of London. We took a day trip down to the coast at Lyme Regis where ”The French Lieutenant’s Woman” was filmed, and went to Stonehenge and Avbury where there are similar unexplained stone ruins (aliens or clever ancient civilization?).

On our final night in Bath, we went to a pub to watch a football match. Manchester (a huge underdog) beat Munich by scoring a goal with 1 minute left to tie the game, and then scored a goal several minutes into overtime to win the game. It was the first time in 28 years that Manchester had won the European championship. We felt very lucky to see such an exciting game until the next day when we had to drive by Manchester on our way to the Lake District. 500,000 fans converging on the city combined with a ”wagon” that rolled over on the motorway caused us to drive an extra 4 hours on backroads to get around it.


Lake District

The lake district is a beautiful area of steep but small hills and numerous lakes (”waters” to the English). It is incredibly green due to all of the rain that they get, and we spent our afternoon watching it pour from the shelter of a restaurant. We sampled the famous Bakewell pudding which is a pastry crust, a thin layer of jam, and marsipan topped with warm custard. Later in the trip we went to the town of Bakewell, where we had a completely inferior version at the shop where it was claimed to have been invented.

Edinburgh, Scotland

Endinburgh is a very striking city, and we were lucky to have a bright sunny day to enjoy it. We hiked up the volcano to Arthur’s Seat on the edge of the city where we enjoyed increadible views of the city and surrounding countryside. Atfer our hike, we went to the Scottish Whiskey Heritage Center and took an interesting but somewhat corny tour explaining the history and production of Scotch. We all could have stayed a few extra days and further explored the city.


It is a beautiful college town comprised of 38 small colleges among wide open parks (”pieces” or ”greens”). However, we spent our time there in the "skollerly persutes" of doing laundry and dumpster diving for cardboard boxes to pack our bikes and panniers for our flight to Copenhagen.


Things We Really Liked About England.

Quality and diversity of food is much better than our last visit
Signs that tell you which way to look at every intersection before crossing
Driving on the left side of the road (more challenging & shifting with my left hand since I’m a lefty)
Small theaters
Interesting use of the English language in signs like ”dead slow, hoot”
Traffic circles - much better than traffic lights and 4 way stops

Things We Didn't Like About England

Expensive (gas $5.25/gallon ouch, restaurants very expensive)
No bike lanes, and bikes prohibited in most parks
No shoulders on the country roads
Motorway signs always at the last moment

Numbers for the Trip

Bike kilometers to date – 1,263
Number of flat tires to date – 1
Car kilometers to date – 2,500
Times Jim drove on the ”right” side of the road in England – 2
Traffic tickets received - 2
Traffic tickets that we’ll ”forget” to pay - 2
Times we’ve been lost - countless
Times Maria asked Jim to ask for directions - countless
Times Jim asked for directions - twice
Times Maria asked for directions - zero
Nights camped on a farm - 3
Sheep shit we stepped in – tons
French fried eaten in England - tons
Veggies eaten in England – 2 (boiled peas and mashed boiled peas”
Least we paid for a good bottle of wine - $4.00
Most we paid for a bad bottle of wine - $12.00


So far we are really enjoying Copenhagen. Details to follow.

Till our next update ...